About Us
We are committed to providing quality services in accordance with the 2008 Health and Social Care Act by caring, competent, well trained staff in a homely atmosphere. In this atmosphere of care and support, people are both helped and encouraged to live as full, interesting and independent a life as possible. We care for people who are living with dementia and value each person as an individual.
We try to make sure that people who live with us are fully consulted about matters which might affect their wellbeing or quality of life. Our staff understand the importance of listening to their views of their care. We try to involve their families and friends to assist us.
We are sympathetic to well-behaved pets and each is considered on its own merit. That’s why the Cinnamon Trust agree that we are a pet-friendly home (we are a registered with them).
We have a commitment to our staff and their training which provides a stable and professional team dedicated to our principles of “person-centred care”. It is this commitment which has earned Coombe House an excellent reputation with its clients, families and GP’s, making us a premier care home in South-East Cornwall. As a result, we are proud to be recognised as a Dementia Care Matters Level 1 Award (2019) Butterfly Home
Renewable Energy
We have made a commitment to renewable energy. All our hot water and heating is now provided by a biomass boiler burning sustainable wood pellets. Two large tanks give us plentiful hot water and heating at any time of day. Individual rooms still have thermostats so can be controlled separately. Ecotricity are our electricity provider and we have replaced our oil-fired Aga.
Training and Staff Development
Coombe House also operates an active training programme, providing staff with numerous opportunities to gain qualifications in accordance with new national care standards. Other training opportunities are linked to external qualifications such as health and safety, food hygiene, first aid, fire safety and moving & handling. Several staff have undertaken a year of study with Dementia Care Matters and the University of Surrey – One year course at diploma level Person Centred dementia care “an emotional journeyā€¯
The benefits of staff training and development have been measured in a number of ways, including the development of a motivated, multi-skilled workforce that is committed to delivering the highest standard of care. We believe this has helped us to enjoy a 100% occupancy rate, although this means operating a waiting list.
We care for people with many different and challenging dementias, but we are not a nursing home. If nursing care is needed it is provided and supervised by the community nursing team.
We understand how dependent people are on the continuing care from a staff team they have learnt to trust, and we will do our very best to manage their care through all the ups and downs of illness, including terminal care. Regular assessments are made to make sure we can properly meet these needs and we will make whatever time is needed for end of life care discussions with relatives and friends.
At our last CQC inspection our overall rating was outstanding. The latest information direct from the Care Quality Commission is shown at the top-right of this page.
Coombe House is committed to the provision of high quality care. Our annually reviewed quality policy is available upon request.