Working with families has brought a whole extra dimension to our care at Coombe House.
Since we welcomed families to join us for meals, on outings, for occasions like Mother’s day, Easter, Christmas Day, we have seen a positive and real difference in their relationships.
Open, regular and relaxed discussion, from the first visit, has helped with understanding as change takes place. Families in similar situations have met at evenings where speakers can answer their questions, and they have gained confidence in sharing their experience of dementia. More families make time to attend Doctors’ visits and care reviews.
In this atmosphere of trust, more young people visit and children who thought coming into a Home might be difficult, bring laughter into the house. Family pets arrive and are fussed over.
We encourage families to be aware of what their relatives can achieve and the satisfaction they get from doing so. We keep in touch with families who live at a distance by email. We will help our people write emails and send photographs of what they have been doing.
It is always a very difficult decision to start looking for a care home and other families would be only too pleased to talk to you at this difficult time. If you get in touch I can give you telephone numbers of those very willing to do this.