Thank you for working with us through months of difficult visiting rules, which I know some of you have felt were unhappily restrictive.
We don’t know if any of “this” is really over, but together we have kept all of your loved ones safe and well.
· there will be no limit on the number of visitors allowed
· essential care givers will to be able to keep visiting during a Covid outbreak
· residents will no longer need to test or self-isolate following normal visits out with family
· isolation periods for those in care with be reduced to 5 days, after testing negative on 2 consecutive days
Thank you for all your help.
Please can we remind you of level crossing safety
Please remember to telephone the signal box before crossing.
Simply use the phone provided to ask if it’s “OK to cross at Coombe”, so you know there are no trains coming. The phone’s located in the small yellow box with a white sticker, both sides of the tracks. Simply lift the handset and you should hear the phone at the other end ringing.
If the signalperson does not answer, please try again after a few minutes.